Kayli Ann Phillips

Kayli Ann Phillips sports braKayli Ann Phillips is famous cross-fit gal.

She is less popular than some of the others I have been profiling, which is really difficult to understand. She is insanely gorgeous, and has an amazing body.

Kayli is twenty-seven years old and she lives in Northern California (San Francisco to be exact). She is 5’9″ tall, and weighs around 135 lbs.

Kayli “only” has 276k followers (currently) on her Instagram account:
I’m sure that will change and escalate quickly.

Kayli tends to set her camera down and then do her workouts in full view. She typically does this while wearing a tight sports bra and tiny booty shorts. As you can expect, this gets a lot of attention!

This girl really hustles. She works out several times a week, and always seems to video it. It takes awhile to edit and post video clips, and she seems dedicated enough to keep doing it. It will be interesting to see where her career goes, and how her fanbase grows as well.

Kayli Ann Phillips fitness modelShe claims that she had no athletic background before getting into crossfit. That’s hard to believe considering her body.

Believe it or not, a Kayli Ann Phillips bio or interview is very difficult to find. We will see what we can scrounge up!

One of her favorite workouts is the Murph, which she says goes like this:
Run 1 mile
Do 100 pullups
200 pushups
300 bodyweight squats
Run 1 mile
So she times how long it takes to do this entire set of exercises, and compares that to other crossfitters. That is a really intense workout. I don’t know anybody (male or female) who can do 200 pushups. And to do 100 pullups would take most people at least 10 or 15 sets, with a few minutes inbetween each set. I think this certainly qualifies her to be a true FitBabe 🙂

Kayli Ann Phillips flexesKayli Ann Phillips absKayli Ann Phillips hot pink shortsKayli Ann Phillips arm strengthKayli Ann Phillips candidKayli Ann Phillips cleavage