Tess Kielhamer is a stunt woman and avid martial artist. I could not find very much detailed biographical information on her. I can see that she was in a TV documentary called Deadliest Warrior, and a movie called Born to Be a Star. The fact that she knows how to handle a sword, can karate chop more Tess Kielhamer
Author: admin
Chazz Anderson
Chazz Anderson is quite a fitness diva. She is 35 years old, married, and has kids. She works full-time in the banking industry. She’s an active fitness model, and has been known to do some photography as well. All this while being a National level figure competitor in the NPC. She a former beauty queen (as you can tell), and grew up laying softball, basketball, track & field, cheerleading, etc. She believes in consistent discipline to achieve fitness goals.
Chazz has that balanced, symmetric body more Chazz Anderson
2010 Year in Review
Well as we close out 2010, there’s no point in trying to be unique – we’ll do like everybody else and try to take a look back at this past year. And maybe a peek into the future too.
The Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2010:
#1 – FBB Fitness Model Jessica
#2 – Celeste Bonin
#3 – Laura London
#4 – FBB Fitness Model Lynn
#5 – 2010 IFBB New York Pro Fitness Championships more year in review
Stefanie Bambrough
Stefanie Bambrough is a 24 year old fitness model and figure competitor from Florida. She studied exercise science at Florida State University and loved fitness and nutrition. She ended up becoming a personal trainer and then finally couldn’t resist going the competition route. She has a background in theater and dance, so she has always liked to perform. Stefanie has also done some adult stuff, we’ll skip over that here on FBB!
A few results:
Team Universe 2009 (2nd place)
North Americans 2009 (1st place)
Junior Naitonals 2009 (2nd place)
Southern States 2009 (1st place)
Stefanie hasn’t blown up the social media scene the way some of the other fitness babes have. Her instagram account shows she has around 17k followers as of October 2017. She owns/runs BamBody Nutrition, and on their website she acknowledges she has a BS degree in nutrition.
A few Stefanie updates. Some additional contest history
2016 IFBB Prestige Crystal Cup Bikini 16th place
2016 IFBB Florida Grand Prix Bikini 10th place
2015 IFBB Miami Muscle Beach Pro 16th place
2014 IFBB Europa Show of Champions—Orlando 9th place
2012 IFBB PBW Championships – Tampa Pro 12th place
An interview with Stefanie from a few years ago…
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I think my vibrant, outgoing, carefree personality is what makes me special. You never know what tomorrow will bring, and sweating the little things just isn’t worth it.
2) How about your family, friends and surroundings?
I have a great family and group of friends.
3) How did you get started competing in fitness?
I had always wanted to compete and was always into fitness. One day I just sat down, picked a show and said “ok let’s do this one.”
4) What is your personal policy (not what the judges want) about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Soft or hard?
I like it hard.
5) What is your idea of what judges want in a Fitness competitor? Do you think judges are clear enough with competitors about how they want you on stage? It seems in Europe they are very clear unlike in the USA and now in Canada things are confusing.
I think the judges allow the fitness competitor to be a little harder than figure, but still want the definite line between fitness and body building. I think it really is about the overall package you present…. symmetry, conditioning, and a fun energetic routine is what the judges are looking for.
6) For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise? If anything!
While I’ve made some dramatic improvement, I’m still trying to build my lats and bring my waist in.
7) What is your typical training routine in the gym (per day, include sets and reps!) How much cardio do you do before a show?
mon: width and hamstrings
Lat pulldowns 3 sets 12-15
wide grip pull ups 3 sets 10-12
wide rows 3 sets 12-15
dead lifts 3 sets 10-12
lying ham curls 3 sets 12-15
standing ham curls 3 sets 12-15
tues: legs
alternating quad extensions 3 sets of 1 min
step ups with 15lbs dumbbells 3 sets 15
glute press 3 sets 15
lunges 3 sets 15
one leg leg press 4 sets 15
reverse squats 4 sets of 15
wed: shoulders
shoulder press 4 sets 12
lateral raises 3 sets for 1 min
front raises 4 sets 12
arnold press 4 sets 12
thurs: back
pull ups 3 sets 15
low rows 3 sets 15
dumbbell rows 3 sets 15
t bar rows 3 sets 15
tire flipping 2 sets down and back
tire pulling 2 sets
fri: biceps and triceps
triceps pushdowns 3 sets 15
triceps pulldowns 3 sets 15
dips 3 sets 10
seated dips 3 sets 10
barbell curls 3 sets 15
dumbbell curls 3 sets weight walk down
I usually do 1.5hrs of cardio leading up to a show
8) What is your pre-contest diet? (per day, 1 week before the show)
it really depends where my body is at so it’s always different. usually I’ll have 2 days carb depleting and the other 5 with my first two meals with 1/2c oatmeal and 5oz chicken or fish and the last 4 with 5oz protein and greens. I start carb loading 3 days before a contest. Every meal is 5oz chicken 3oz sweet potato.
9) How do you go about dropping your water before the day of the show? How much water do you drink the day of the show. Please be specific.
I cut my water the week of the show and switch my greens to only asparagus. usually mon will be 99 oz tuesday 66oz wed 66oz thurs 33oz and 10oz before noon on friday and then no more til after show time
10) What motivates you to train/diet and compete? Are there any competitors you looked up to?
I love being on stage… i train for my own self improvement. Competing has made me stronger both physically and mentally and has changed my whole attitude about life and myself. I remember at the Orlando Europa 2009 when I saw Myriam Cape perform I was so impressed and in awe of her strength and performance
11) Please tell us an interesting experience you had at a show recently, be it a fun thing or something rather not so fun?
that would be National this year in miami….. I wasn t competing but still a probably my most memorable show. I got to oil up all the men before they went on stage and also met my hot sexy boyfriend
12) What is your personal opinion about the figure, fitness, bodybuilding industry we are in? Anything you would like to see changed?
I think it’s a great industry to be in… the industry is what it is. Of course I would like to see some things different but there’s no use complaining, it’s better to just enjoy it.
13) What has been your hardest challenge to overcome either in your personal life or competing career?
My father passing away was very difficult for me… but fortunately I have a lot of good friends that helped me through the hard time.
14) Did you make any changes to your contest prep for your last show? Water intake, carbing up, etc…
I carb depleted for 20 days straight… never done that before. I was so tired and drained, but damn i looked good
15) Can you tell us about an instance were an injury did not stop you from performing or practice for your routine? How did you overcome it?
Right before Team Universe I fractured a bone in my foot… my whole right foot turned black, couldn t even walk. Didn t stop me from performing though… I hopped on the plane the next day and got my Pro card
16) Do you see fitness dying or you think there will be huge comeback?
I think more and more competitors are becoming interested. A lot want to, but are just scared. The most important thing to realize is that it’s fun…. plain and simple.
18) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what?
oh boy do I… i did cheerleading, dance, track, softball, basketball, gymnastics
19) What is a typical day in the life of Stefanie Bambrough? From waking up to until going to bed?
I get up, drink some coffee, take out the little devil (my teacup maltese) and then do 45 min of cardio. after that i cook my meals for the day, meet my workout partner to train, then head to work. After work i get home, play with my dog, watch The Real Housewives and go to sleep. Oh yeah, and at some point in there i shower lol
20) What is your current occupation? Please tell us more about it, what do you specifically do in your job?
I am the Sales Manager for Grid Iron Total Fitness and Sales Representative for Traq 3D (a new virtual fitness concept in personal training) I create memberships and training programs for every person designed to benefit them directly. I also introduce facilities to the newest, most innovative concept in fitness, virtual fitness. Traq 3D is an intense measure of a person strength, speed and agility. Excellent in improving athletic performance and the physical activity for the average person.
And here’s a video of Stefanie:
Soleivi Hernandez
Soleivi Hernandez is a 30 year old NPC Figure competitor from El Salvador. She grew up in Texas, where she was always active in sports. She played softball and soccer in college, and started lifting weights when she was 22. She first competed at the 2006 NPC John Sherman Classic where she placed 2nd. She placed 1st in the 2007 NPC New York Metropolitan Figure Championship, and a disappointing 16th at the Team USA Figure Nationals that same year.
Soleivi is about 5’2″ tall and competes at a bout 115 lbs. Trust me, I’ve looked very carefully, and she has not a single bad bodypart. more Soleivi Hernandez
Kristen Nagrani
Kristen Nagrani is an IFBB Figure Pro from Florida. She works with Team Bombshell for her training and nutrition there in Florida. She placed 2nd in the 2010 Team Universe, and was the overall winner in the 2010 NPC Pittsburgh Championships. Kristen is very attractive, and she must’ve spread her excellent genetics since her daughter Nicole Nagrani is also beating the socks off bikini competitors these days. more Kristen Nagrani
Liza Hughes
Liza Hughes is a personal trainer, nutritional consultant, and fitness model. I think the reason behind Liza’s excellent success as a fitness model stems from her having worked with some phenomenally talented photographers. The pictures in Liz’s portfolio speak volumes about location, wardrobe, emotion, and professionalism.
Liza has been on numerous magazine covers, including Flex, American Curves, Planet Muscle, and Body Magazine. She has competed more Liza Hughes
Erika Thompson
Erika Thompson is a fitness model originally from Uruguay who now lives in Los Angeles California. Erika is 30 years old and about 5’4″ tall. She used to do “adult” stuff, but somehow managed to transition into more mainstream entertainment. Because of her body type and her habitual workouts, she seemed to find it easy to get fitness modeling gigs. She was on the cover of Ironman Magazine back in 2006, which is virtually unheard of for an adult film star (even if she was retired).
We’ll avoid linking to any of her old videos or media more Erika Thompson
Jennifer Apodaca
Jennifer Apodaca is a fitness model and bikini pro featured in Flex magazine recently. She is quite an enigma. She is a true “10”, with a phenomenal body and drop-dead gorgeous face, but she is rough and tumble too. She was raised doing chores on a farm, and competed in karate as well as intramural bench press activities in college. Jennifer won her IFBB Bikini pro card, partly because of her strong physique. Back in the day, she benched 135lbs and weighed 113lbs! She says more Jennifer Apodaca
Charise Parker
Like a comet that only swings by every hundred years, or maybe a four leaf clover, Charise Parker is pretty rare. She recently won 1st place in the women’s lightweight bodybuilding competition in San Francisco, while she also competed in the figure contest and placed second. Now that really says something about her beauty, symmetry, grace, and stage presence. more Charise